The Reformanda Initiative
The Reformanda Initiative Podcast. Listen as we analyze and discuss Roman Catholic theology and practice from an Evangelical perspective. | X: @ReformandaRome | Facebook: @ReformandaInitiative | Online: www.reformandainitiative.org |
82 episodes
82. Conclaves and Catholic Apologists
Join us in this episode as we discuss the possibility of an upcoming conclave in the Catholic Church with the declining health of Pope Francis. We also discuss the recent Netflix film of the same title and how it bears on reality. We also discu...
Episode 82
81. A Response to Gavin Ortlund's Video, "Are Catholics Christian? Why Protestants can say YES"
In this episode, we respond to Gavin Ortlund's recent video, "Are Catholics Christian? Why Protestants can say YES." Episode notes:Gavin Ortlund's video: https://www.y...
Episode 81
80. Young Life and Catholicism: Missteps in Explaining the Faith
In this episode, we critically examine Young Life’s approach to Roman Catholicism through their article, "What Do Catholics (Really) Believe?" We’ll unpack the theological missteps and discuss the implications of their stance for gospel clarity...
Episode 80
79. Discussing Pope Francis’s latest encyclical Dilexit Nos
In this episode we discuss Pope Francis’s latest encyclical that discusses the heart of Christ and the Roman Catholic devotion of the Sacred Heart. Leonardo’s latest VF provides the framework for our discussion.Episode resources:
Episode 79
78. Having “magnetic” conversations with Roman Catholics
In this episode we discuss Leonardo’s latest Vatican File in which he discusses Dan Strange’s 5 Magnetic Points and how they are helpful in having gospel conversations with Roman Catholics. Leo’s Vatican File is an excerpt from his upcoming boo...
Episode 78
77. Claiming Catholicity: What does it mean to be Catholic?
In this episode we discuss with Reformanda Initiative Fellow Matthew Johnston what it means to be catholic and who is catholic. Is, for example, the pope Catholic? Are evangelicals catholic? That depends. Listen in to understand why.
Episode 77
76. The Year of Jubilee is Coming. But What is It?
In this episode we discuss Leonardo’s most recent Vatican File that discusses Jubilee. Jubilee is an excellent case of same words, different worlds. We find the word in the Bible, and is used with regularity in Roman Catholicism, but the meanin...
Episode 76
75. Talking About Jesus with Catholics: A New Course by Matthias Media
In this episode we speak with Reformanda Initiative Fellow Mark Gilbert about a new course offered by Matthias Media which equips Protestants and the church to better understand and engage with Roman Catholics. Mark is based out of Sydney, Aust...
Episode 75
74. Discussing the 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church
In this episode Reid and Leonardo have a fascinating discussion about the 7 sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church and the theology of the sacraments. The discussion is framed by Leonardo’s latest Vatican File that interacts with the book, "Th...
Episode 74

73. Does Roman Catholicism teach the true Gospel? A conversation with Robbie Bellis
In this episode we speak with Reformanda Initiative Fellow, Robbie Bellis, who takes a look at 2 Corinthians 11 to answer the question of whether or not evangelicals and Roman Catholics believe the same gospel.
Episode 73
72. Henri Nouwen. A spirituality of imperfection or an imperfect spirituality?
In this episode, we explore the popularity of Henri Nouwen among evangelicals. Described by Christianity Today as "one of the world’s greatest spiritual writers," Henri Nouwen was a Dutch Catholic priest, writer, theologian, professor, psycholo...
Episode 72
71. An Evangelical Discussion on Roman Catholic Temple Theology
In this episode we discuss temple theology and answer questions like: What is temple theology? Why it is important? How it is relevant to everyday life? We conclude with a discussion of how evangelicals differ from Roman Catholics in unde...
Episode 71
70. A conversation with special guest Dr. Gavin Ortlund
In this episode we discuss various topics with our friend Dr. Gavin Ortlund. Dr. Ortlund is an author, Christian apologist, and President of Truth Unites, which promotes gospel unity through theological dep...
Episode 70
69. An Interview with Dr. Albert Mohler
In this episode we have the privilege of speaking with the President of The Southern Baptist Theological Semiary, Dr. Albert Mohler. We discuss his 2021 presidential address for the Evangelical Theological Society ...
Episode 69
68. Pope Francis Interview with 60 Minutes
In this episode we discuss comments made by Pope Francis in a recent interview with 60 Minutes that are receiving some attention from evangelicals. That Francis’s comments contradict the clear teachings of Scripture do not seem controversial, a...
Episode 68
67. Engaging with Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Approach
In this episode we speak with Leonardo De Chirico, the Director of the Reformanda Initiative, about his new book Engaging with Thomas Aquinas: An Evangelical Approach, which will be available on May 16th.Preorder from IVP Books...
Episode 67
66. Obrigado Portugal
In this episode we discuss a recent Reformation Iniative (RI) trip to Portugal to provide training to the evangelical church on Roman Catholicism. The RI was invited by the Associação Proclama and visited three different cities throughout Portu...
Episode 66
65. Pope Francis Claims Rome, Italy is a Mission Field
In this episode we discuss Leonardo’s most recent Vatican File “If the Pope Thinks that Rome is a ‘Mission Field.’” As the title indicates, recently Pope Francis described the city of Rome - which is of course the home of Roman Catholicism and ...
Episode 65
64. Unpacking the Roman Catholic Church’s Blessing of Same-Sex Couples
In this episode we discuss the recent announcement from the Roman Catholic Church that allows for the blessing of same-sex couples, while not officially changing its stance on same-sex unions. What does it mean and what are its implications? Jo...
Episode 64
63. Should Evangelicals pray with Roman Catholics?
In this episode we discuss a very practical and important question: Should Evangelicals pray with Roman Catholics?
Episode 63
62. Understanding Synodality and the Synodal Church
You cannot talk about Roman Catholicism today without also talking about synodality. The Synodal Church is the new hermeneutic for understanding and engaging Roman Catholicism. To say it is essential is an understatement. But what is it? In thi...
Episode 62
61. Answering Your Questions
In this episode Leonardo and Reid respond to some of the questions our listeners have sent us.
Episode 61
60. Theological Q&A with Australian Theological Educators and Students
At the invitation of the Church Missionary Society (Australia), Dr. Leonardo De Chirico just finished speaking at CMS Summer School in Brisbane, Sydney, Tasmania, Melbourne and Adelaide (5th Jan – 21stJan). More than 4000 people listened to one...
Episode 60
59. The Life, Theology, and Legacy of Joseph Ratzinger
In this episode we discuss the life, theology, and legacy of the late Joseph Ratzinger (1927-2022) from an Evangelical perspective. Ratzinger is better known as Pope Benedict XVI who followed Pope John Paul II and preceded Pope Francis. How sho...
Episode 59
58. The Undeniable Universalism of Modern Day Roman Catholicism
Does modern day Roman Catholicism teach that you can be saved apart from faith in Christ? Yes it does, and in this episode we discuss a recent Advent sermon given by the prominent Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa in the presence of Pope Francis an...
Episode 58